What Should You Expect In A Lomi Lomi Massage Services?

Hawaiian lomilomi massage is a type of luxury massage Toronto has recently accepted. It is a part of the traditional native Hawaiian medicine which was passed by the families of medical practices during the year 1970 when they were teaching about this technique to the non-residents of Hawaii. The popularity spread quickly and now it is widely available around the world.


Several different styles exist because lomilomi was passed down by the families through generations. One of the first people to teach about this massage was Auntie Margaret Machado who was alive till 2009 and many of them follow her tradition. This message has a different spiritual component and the practitioners start the massage by reciting a prayer to them. The prayer incorporates in promoting Harmony with the unification of death and love. Auntie Margaret Machado often said that the difference between all the messages and lomilomi is that it is done with the loving touch.

What should you expect?

Generally, the practitioners start with the session by gently pressing their hands on you and then staying still for a few moments. They may also ask you to breathe deeply and get relaxed. A conventional practitioner may also use other types of ritual such as music and chanting of prayers.
During other types of massages, your body is uncovered because the therapist usually doesn’t message to more than one body part at a time. They continue with a flowing motion, for example, they may move from your shoulder to the back and then coming down to your foot. Some of the most common therapists don’t even cover the genital parts of your body with sheets or towels.

Lomilomi is best known as a thick oil massage with gentle dancing strokes of the fingers. As there are many types of massages available in the market now, the type may actually differ from person to person. Joint rotation and gentle stretches are a very common type of practice in this massage, as the massage practitioner massages two parts of your body at the same time, for example, they might massage your hand and arm and at the same time, they might also massage the hip portion of your body.

Massaging two points at the same time with gentle long flowing strokes is believed to make you stress-free and promoting harmony to your life. The most traditional form of lomilomi believes in massaging the abdominal parts of your body as it is believed that massaging that part of your body will touch your heart and soul.

Benefits and Cost

The benefit of Lomi Lomi Massage is the same as other types of massages, like helping you to relax, promoting better blood circulation, and releasing the blocked energy. The difference is that lomilomi is done with the loving hands giving you the experience of a personal touch, helping you to release not only the physical tension but also the emotional, spiritual and mental disbalances.

The cost is generally as same as other types of massages which run around $60 to $120 and may last up to two hours per session.


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